Hi Folks. Here are the latest pictures of the bug.. I mean McKenzie, on mother's day. It was my first official Mother's Day. We went to the pool for McKenzie's first experience with water, outside the bathtub, and had lots of fun. McKenzie seemed to enjoy the water, and playing with her best bud Daddy. She just loves him. It is so cute to watch them play together every morning. He sits her up on his legs and talks to her, and she talks back. She is all smiles, and loves to coo and giggle and use her little voice she found. She is getting so big. Shawn mentioned how he couldn't believe how big and plump she is.. I guess I don't notice since I'm always with her, and have mastered the arms of steel and how to one hand everything.. She keeps me nice and lean.. Now if only we could get her to help me exercise my stomach..
The best Mother's day gift I got this year, was getting to spend some time alone with Shawn on our porch. It was such a great feeling. After McKenzie went down, we just sat outside in the warm Spring air, and talked for hours. About our goals, and how grateful we are for this beautiful earth. We are so blessed, our little family, and it was great to express it out loud. How happy we are in our lives, and can't wait for a time again, when things will slow down, and the simple pleasures of life will once again be what we live for. It reminded me of a time when we were walking in Nauvoo, in the early evening just watching the lightning bugs, and not having a care in the world. I guess that is what we are striving for being out here in Houston. To enjoy a life, where we are not pressured by things of material, and are totally at peace, with no where to be but right where we are. With each other. I testify that if we live for meaningful things, and ignore the pressures of the world, and follow the prophet and obey their council, we will be happy in a time when the world is very torn. I promise! BLA BLA BLA.. Life is good. I Thank my Heavenly Father every day for what he has given me. My cup runneth over.
We went to Galveston this weekend thinking we were going to enjoy the beach, nice ocean scenery, with blue water, and hurricane damage?? Yea... I must have missed that Memo, but Galveston is NOT pretty, and the beaches are still recovering from Hurricane Ike. But our Hotel was nice, and so was the flat screen TV that presented the Houston/LA NBA game. Guess will have to go all the way to Florida for some clear blue water. This side of the Gulf, yea not so much.
Anyway, so we are still here, alive, doing well. I still haven't seen the Alamo, but I did notice a dead armadillo on the side of the road the other day.. Can't wait to see what each new day will bring. We love you all and miss you, and would love a visit. If you dare venture our way!