Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well, we made it!! Shawn moved down to Houston about 2 weeks ago. I finished things up in Salt Lake, and headed out to Mom and Dad's for a week before meeting him. It was so fun to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Tiff before we met Daddy. Here's a pic a of Aunt Tiffy and McKenzie. I felt like McKenzie was changing so fast, that Shawn would miss something! She started talking a ton, and learned to growl, and make raspberry sounds with her little tongue that she just recently discovered. It was awesome! Luckily, she's talking and drooling plenty for Dad to see.

We met up with Daddy, to find our friends Adam and Melanie were having car trouble.. We all had our cars shipped out to Houston and Poor Melanie's beautiful truck got the wrath of the shipping equipment and was damaged.. Plus, their other car broke down, on the way out and had to get fixed. Feeling good about the move yet? I thought Shawn and I were doing ok, but we definitely had the chance to morn with those that morn, when our (meaning MINE) Bmw broke down. Stay tuned.. I have no idea how bad I killed our (MY) car yet. Plus there have not been enough apartments for everyone out here, so we all have been in a bit of limbo as to where we would end up. Fortunately, it just recently worked itself out, but I bet 7 guys all living in a 1 bedroom apartment for the past week are about ready to freak out on someone.. Talk about bachlor pad. Melanie and Adam have been so good to watch out for us, and make sure that we were taken care of and stayed in our place so that McKenzie could get settled. So Hopefully this will be the end of our trials for the summer.. Or have they just begun?? Am I being Punked? Where's Ashton???

Now that things have setteled down.. maybe.. we are enjoying the warmth and getting adjusted. Our apartment is really nice, and right next to a nature reserve where they have board walks over some wetlands. There are supposed to be alligators in it, so we'll look and see if we can find any this summer. I need a new purse. There's lots of fun shopping and things to do, so I'm sure we will stay busy this summer. "Remeber the Alamo?"

We miss you all already and hope you are doing awesome! Keep in touch, and think of us when think of hot, humid, uncomfortable sweatiness, and annoying Texas Drivers when your out and about!


  1. Cute pictures! I am glad you guys are getting settled in. Your guys' apartment looks nice and open. Miss you guys!

  2. Glad you made it. Sounds like alot of fun maybe this will be a learning experience this summer. Hope all goes well. Keep the info and pictures coming!

  3. Yay for Texas! Glad you made it! Hope you have a ton of fun!


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